Use the Split feature to create multiple parts from an existing part. You can create separate part files, and form an assembly from the new parts. You can split a single part document into a multibody part document.
To split a part:
Click Split on the Features toolbar, or click Insert, Features, Split.
In the PropertyManager, under Trim Tools, select one or more of the following for Trimming Surfaces :
Reference planes (Planes extend infinitely in all directions.)
Planar model faces (Faces extend infinitely in all directions.)
Original Part
Revised Original Part
New Part
Sketches (Sketches extrude through all in both directions.)
Original Part
Revised Original Part
New Part
Reference surfaces and non-planar model faces (These do not extend their boundaries. Internal holes on reference surfaces or non-planar model faces are closed when splitting the part.)
Original Part
New Parts
Click Cut Part.
Split lines appear on the part, showing the different bodies formed by the split.
Callout boxes appear in the graphics area for up to 10 bodies at one time. Click Next 10 or Previous 10 to scroll through all the callout boxes for a part.
Under Resulting Bodies, select the bodies to save under , then select one of the following for Resultant bodies state:
Show bodies. All bodies appear in the graphics area. All of the bodies are listed in the FeatureManager design tree under Solid Bodies, and the icons are filled .
Hide bodies. Only the bodies that you did not split appear in the graphics area. Bodies that are selected are hidden. All the split bodies are listed in the FeatureManager design tree under Solid Bodies, but the icons for hidden bodies are blank .
Consume bodies. Removes the body from the part. Consumed bodies are not listed in the FeatureManager design tree under Solid Bodies.
Double-click the body name under File, type a name for the new part in the dialog box, then click Save.
The new part name appears in the Resulting Bodies list and in the callout box. The bodies that you do not save are not split. They remain with the original part.
If you clear the check box for a split part after you save it, that part is no longer saved as a separate entity. It remains with the original part.
You can choose the same name for two different bodies if they are identical. If the bodies are not identical, the software does not let you choose the same name.
Click OK .
New Parts
The new parts are derived; they contain a reference to the parent part. Each new part contains a single feature named Stock-
If you change the geometry of the original part, the new parts also change.
With multibody parts, the various split parts are listed in the FeatureManager design tree under Solid Bodies.
Original Part
The original part contains all its original features plus a new feature called Split.
If you selected Hide bodies or Consume bodies under Resultant bodies state, the solid body displayed in the graphics area is the original solid body minus the new parts. If all bodies in the original part were saved as split bodies, no solid body is displayed. To see the original solid body, move the rollback bar in the FeatureManager design tree above the split feature or suppress the split feature.
If you delete the split feature in the original part, the new parts still exist, but the status of the external reference in the new parts is dangling.
You can also save solid bodies after you split the model using the Save Bodies feature. This enables you to save the bodies from a split part to a different folder or with different names to the same folder. You can also create an assembly from the split parts.
To save bodies from multibody parts:
Click Insert, Features, Save Bodies.
Select the bodies to save in the graphics area, or under in Resulting Parts.
The callouts display the default path, file names, and location of the multibody part.
Under Resulting Parts, double-click each file name under File to open the Save As dialog box. You can select a new location and file name for each part.
To create an assembly, under Create Assembly, click Browse, select a folder to save the assembly as SplitAssembly type (*.sldasm), and type a file name.
Click OK .
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